Okay, so not a beauty related post, but I felt the need to write this post. I've been thinking about it for a few days now, and I can't let it go any longer!
Basically, this is just a blog post about my favourite artist, Leddra Chapman. I found her quite by accident in May this year, whilst watching clips of This Morning on YouTube, when I came across her performance on there from 2010, singing a beautiful song called "Story". Straight away her lyrics grabbed my attention, I'd been having a bit of a rough time with things in my life, and the song seemed to speak my feeling so perfectly. From watching that video I searched for more of her songs on YouTube and before long I had watched her music videos, tour videos and anything that I could find. Now, this may all seem quite stalker-ish behaviour, but there was just something about every song that I'd heard of hers that spoke to me, something that I'd never really experienced with music. I've always listened to music, but have never been one of those people who can't go a day without listening to any. I then found out that Leddra and Ed Sheeran had performed together, this was just before Ed had really broken through completely, a couple months before his album + came out. The chemistry between them in this video is incredible!
Needless to say I downloaded Leddra's album "Telling Tales" as soon as I could, and its been playing in my car since June, and it hasn't been replaced, except for when I added her new EP "A Trick or Two" to it in November.
I went to see Leddra live at The Bull and Gate in Kentish Town on the 22nd of November and it was one of the best nights of my life. She's an amazing performer, and her honesty in the lyrics are portrayed beautifully live, you can tell she actually means every word that she's singing. A rarity in todays X Factor charts, where everyone is singing other people's songs. Its good to know that there are still talented people out there who can play instruments, write their own songs and sing.
The day after the gig on the 22nd of November, Leddra graduated from the London College of Music, which just goes to prove that she has a talent, and one that will last for a very long time.
She deserves to be more widely known, I think anyone that listens to her, even if they don't like the folk/pop sound that she produces, they can appreciate the quality of her music.
Leddra's music means so much to me, as silly as it sounds, but I have now turned into someone who can't go a day without listening to music.
I'm yet to hear her actually, but after such a review I think I'm going to have to have a mosey! x