I am fully aware that I haven't written a blog post for a very long time, and with a title like this I'm expecting a backlash; in fact I welcome it.
I woke up to see the abuse that Benjamin Cook of Becoming YouTube was getting from self confessed "feminists" about a comment that he made on his BY panel at VidCon. I'm not 100% sure what this comment was, but supposedly it was slagging off beauty gurus and saying that they didn't have a place in the community. Which is bullshit, bullshit in the sense that that is definitely not what he meant or has ever said. In fact he has said in the past that they a have a place, but not in the context of his BY series. The arguments that ensued when he posted his "Girls on YouTube" video were insane. Stupid, 13 year old girls that claim to be feminists because they watch Lex and Rosiana. It's bollocks. It's all bollocks..
Now, I have no problem with equality; obviously, I would be a fucking idiot to disagree with men and women having the same rights. I know what the suffragettes did for women in my country, I don't need to be told by 12 year olds that I don't know what the word "feminist" means: I knew what the word meant long before you were even a fertilised egg in your mothers womb my lovelies. What I do have a problem with is women: women in general that will shout sexual abuse if a man so much as glances in her direction, but in the same breath will go on about how hot Channing Tatum was when he took his shirt off in 'Magic Mike'.
I have a problem with the women who will put on a short dress, do their makeup because they want to look good, but as soon as a man approaches them because they also appreciate their beauty they'll call him a sexist.
I have a problem with the women who say that being a pole dancer is degrading to the female sex, yet they'll go on a hen night and not bat an eyelash when a man windmills his penis in their face. In fact they'll practically faint with excitement.
If I want to make porn, or pole dance my way to the top of the system, then who the hell are you to tell me that that's degrading? It's my decision, and isn't being a feminist supposed to be all about celebrating the rights and expressions of women?
By shouting from the roof tops and burning bras in the name of women's rights you're giving equality less of a chance. By treating all men as sexist pigs you're making yourselves look like idiots.
I don't want to be told that when I'm in a club, or at a pub, or on the street that if and when a man looks in my direction, or tries to talk to me that I'm being a bad example to women that have fought for our equality for hundreds of years; I'm happy for men to look at me and like what they see. I'm not saying I dress for men, but I make an effort when I go out and am happy with my appearance, then why the hell should I be offended by anyone else also appreciating it? That doesn't make the man a sexist, as much as it doesn't make me a whore.
Like I said at the start, I'm all for equality, but how about we start looking at the things that actually matter? The fact that actually, we're all just people. Human beings on this round little ball of mud and water. Whether that be male or female, black or white, gay or straight. It should never come down to "Women are better; men are pigs": we are people that all strive for better things, but I don't want to be told that I'm less of a woman because I don't agree with the feminist way of looking at life. I am a woman, who just so happens to also be a human. Did we somehow forget that along the way?
Fai Bassett - Makeup Artist
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Friday, 1 February 2013
I'm Beautiful, If Slightly Crazy
So, it’s been so long since
I’ve posted here, and this is going to be completely unrelated to makeup – and more
about music.
the first day of February, but so far 2013 has been made, it’s started with a few
ups and downs, but this past week has been the best week of my life. As a few
of you know, as I have written a post about this before, but in the beginning
of 2011 I found Leddra Chapman, whose songs mean so much to me but I’ll post
that post here so you can read that first to get the jist of things, I don’t want
to repeat myself. A lot of you will also probably know that on the 8th
of December I got Leddra’s lyrics tattooed on the top of my right thigh, which
I am now going to explain, a lot of people have looked at me like I’m stupid
when they find out that it’s lyrics from a song that they’ve never heard, by an
artist they’ve never heard of – and to that I say if you find a song that you
can relate to, that touched you the first time you heard it then who cares if
no one else knows it. Plus, the lyrics ring true to me and everyone who knows
me says exactly the same. I am little bit mental. If you haven’t seen my tattoo
I’ll put in a few pictures, especially my favourite which is of Leddra herself
with my leg, just casually hanging out with a massive queue of people standing
to the side of us watching it all unfold (I’d also like to say a MASSIVE thank
you to Jon who took the picture).
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Bristol 26th January 2013 - Leddra and my leg |
So here’s the full story of the tattoo: Like I said, I
found Leddra’s music in 2011 as I was casually perusing YouTube and stumbled across
her appearance on This Morning, then the searching began, I found every song
and downloaded her album within about a week. I’d been through a horrible break
up that screwed me up a lot and her every song of hers that I listened to
seemed to ease the pain. I caught up very quickly and became a fully fledged
Leddy; in fact, I had a conversation with Martin on Wednesday night and he was
surprised that I was actually relatively new to her music – I could be in MI5
with the extensive research I did. Then on the 22nd of November my
sister and I took the train up the London for
her E.P launch at the Bull and Gate in Kentish Town .
I was completely blown away by her talent, we both were. I’d been listening to
her music for months, but seeing her live was such a different experience. She
throws herself into the performance, and as good as her recording voice is, she’s
1000x times better when you can see how passionate she is about her lyrics and
what it means to her. This was also the first time she’d performed “I Got
Rhythm” and as soon as I heard it, that was it, it made me laugh out loud and
it also made me feel content with all the shite that had been thrown at me that
year. My sister also made me get a picture with her at the end of the night, I
was far too nervous to go up and say hello but good job Jemma was there,
because I would never have actually been able to speak if she hadn’t forced me
E.P Launch 22nd November 2011 |
So, let’s skip a few months, I then went to see her on
March 28th 2012 with my mum, sister and brother-in-law at the Borderline in London , and again it was
an amazing gig. Lewis Watson also performed and we had a nice little chat
because I was stupidly loud when cheering for him because people annoyed me by
being disgustingly disrespectful and talking through his set. And this time, I wasn’t
so shy so went up to speak to Leddra and also got her set list signed, which I
have in a frame on my wall – I think I also have a picture of this, which I’ll
try and find.
Set list from Borderline 28th March 2012 (the date at the top is wrong) |
So again, let’s skip ahead to the 8th of
December 2012. I got the lyrics “I’m Beautiful, If Slightly Crazy” tattooed on
me – for life. I have to live with this now forever. As I said up there, it’s
from the song “I Got Rhythm”, now all the lyrics in that song are brilliant, but
obviously I wasn’t going to get the whole thing, I draw the line at that. But I
chose these because they were the ones that stuck with my from the very first
time I’d heard the song. I am crazy, I do stupid things and I’m not perfect in
any sense of the word, but in my own way I’m “beautiful” – now I’m not saying I’m
beautiful to look at, but I’m alright, beautiful doesn’t always mean
aesthetically pleasing. It can mean whatever you want it to mean, beauty can be
found in everything, and in a way I’d say I’m beautiful because I am little bit crazy. Things also happened during
2011/2012 that made me feel shit, like I wasn’t really worth anything, that I
wasn’t able to do the things I’d always wanted to do, but when I thought of
that line it gave me a boost, and it would make me think “fuck it, do what you
want” and I’m a bit sad to say it, but maybe a little bit of a “you only live
once” attitude (which, I have another rant about, maybe I’ll talk about that separately)
so, I’d already decided that I wanted these words to be part of my life, and to
get them tattooed was the next step. I wanted it done on the 22nd November
2012, but things got in the way so it was the December 8th at around
12:30* that I sat in that chair, scared of what was about to happen (did I
mention it is my first ever tattoo?) and had a great conversation with Mike at
Spike of The Art in Plympton, I told him the meaning behind the lyrics, and
then we just sat chatting about alternative medicines and monks – it was really
interesting and took my mind off what was happening. When a tonne of needles
are stabbing into your leg, injecting you with ink you’d think it would hurt,
and my pain threshold is close to zero, but I survived, and if anything I found
it quite therapeutic, I could have sat there for a few more hours.
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About 30 minutes after it was finished, very red! And my thighs look massive |
On the 26th January 2013 I went up the Bristol
to see her play at The Louisiana, I also met some really awesome people like
John, Roy and Catherine, Jon, Siobhan and Marion, and also had the absolute
pleasure of hearing the awesome Lee Broderick, who I may have formed a cheeky
crush on; its fine, go ahead and tell him, everyone else has embarrassed me in
front of him anyway. At the end of the night, everyone queued up in the tiny
venue for their chance to say hello to Leddra, and I got there, got my leg out
in front of a fair few people and had Jon take a picture. That’s a standard day
in my life it seems. The picture then got passed around facebook and twitter
and I felt a bit famous for a while. Then on Wednesday I went all the way up to
London again to
see her at The Borderline, had a long chat with Lee, said hey to Leddra, got a
free cider from someone, sang loudly, wooped loudly and had the best night of
my life! I am a very happy, very lucky woman.
I hate this picture - but me and Lee look sexy in hats. |
I’m so lucky to have met the people that mean the world
to me in ways they could never have known, or anticipated. Leddra Chapman
writes her songs, and she has touched the heart of so many people with lyrics
that mean on thing to her, and so many different things to others. And because
of her music, I’ve met other people that I can honestly call friends, and I’ve
found new musicians that I can also relate to. Now, I’m going to stop writing
because this is the longest blog post, and I’m about to start crying.
Without coming across as a stalker, I do really
appreciate everything your music has done for me, Leddra, and I am so happy
that I’ve had the opportunity to meet you so many times and talk to you. So
many people never have the opportunity to explain their stories to the people
that inspire them, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
*For people who don’t know
me, I have an odd capacity at remembering dates and times – think Rain Man –
but not quite as intelligent
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Night Time Bath Time
Good evening blogosphere, I am aware I have been absent for a long time. However, I am back now so calm yourselves and embrace me.
Okay, so now that odd introduction has passed and we have all taken a moment to ask what the hell is wrong with me, I shall begin.
It's currently 11:05pm and I am sitting in my living room in my pyjamas with a face mask on, (read that loosely, I'm essentially letting my Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish sit on my skin for a bit longer, I shall talk about that soon), after just getting out of a bubble bath, as that is what one does on a Tuesday evening, when there is nothing on the T.V because it's a bank holiday, and you have exhausted all of your resources on YouTube.
I'm home alone and wanted something to do, after drinking a bottle of Koppaberg which didn't sit very well with me, I'm still feeling the effects now, I decided I would run a bath and put some bubbles in. I was going to just use some sort of shower gel to improvise as bubble bath isn't something I tend to purchase, a bath is for washing, when you're too lazy to stand up in the shower, I was happy to stumble upon a tiny bottle of CHAMPNEYS Oriental Opulence Bubble Heaven, and I tell you, that description is spot on, it smells exactly how you would expect heaven to smell! The one that I used was Ylang Ylang and Patchouli, I swear to you there are no words to describe it, it's quite sweet and has a slight vanilla scent to it, but there's also a sort of citrus kick to it. I am fully aware that this is describing a scent with two completely different ingredients, but I am not a perfumer so obviously I'm not accurate, it isn't often I come across ylang ylang in my daily life. Anyway, as good as it smells it was a bugger to get out of the bottle, I'll give it it's dues, the plastic bottle is a sturdy little thing, but it makes it incredibly difficult to get the product out as you can't squeeze it, also the consistency of the bubble bath itself is quite gloopy and doesn't pour very well, so after a good 5 minutes standing over the bath of running water I gave up and let whatever product came out do its job. I must admit the bubbles were splendid, however I have come to the conclusion that I cannot stand the rustling noise the bubbles make when you lie in them, it's quite aggravating really, but this is not to say that the product is bad, I just don't want to hear a consistent popping in my little ears. I wouldn't say the bubbles do anything to your skin, I don't feel any more moisturised than normal, but nor do I feel any worse for it. It's just a nice little indulgence isn't it?
To go along with the bubbles I also took in my two favourite candles, the first being Yankee Candle's Cherry On Snow which only comes out at Christmas but the other cherry scented Yankee Candles are pretty much identical, and the second being Jelly Belly's Toasted Marshmallow. Now, don't laugh at me, I know it isn't the height of sophistication, but it smells so nice and it isn't over powering and sickly like the Yankee Candle Vanilla Cupcake but it smells quite similar, it also isn't as pricey!
I know I said that this bath was to just relax in, after a while the popping bubbles got so irritating that I decided I would give myself a scrub, that sounds vile, I'm not that dirty, I just meant, using a body scrub, I bought two body scrubs a few weeks ago from Wilkos, I believe they were 2 for £1.50 and I was in need of some nice smelling body washes so I thought I'd do it. I'm not a snob when it comes to body washes, there's no need to spend a thousand pound a year just to waste it on bits of your body not many people see, if it smells nice then I'm going to use it. Today I opted for my Vanilla and Honey Smoothie because I was in that sort of sweet scent mood. Honestly, these smoothie/scrub things are brilliant. I don't know exactly what the scrubby bits are made of but it feels a bit sandy and a bit oaty if that makes any sense, but it also lathers up really nicely like a normal shower gel! It feels great and it hasn't disturbed my skin at all, although not many things do, the skin on my body is pretty good, it's just my face that's a bit touchy!
After doing all the lady things that one does in the bath which doesn't need to be explained, (again, that sounds really rude! It wasn't..I just meant, shaving things, but who wants to know about that, if anyone's interested I use a man's gillette razor and gillette shaving foam), I got out of the bath, dried myself down and sprayed my moisturiser on, I'm really disappointed that I can't find it on the Boots website, but it's from The Sanctuary Spa range at Boots, I'm not sure if they still sell it as I've had mine for a while, it's essentially an oil spray moisturiser and smells really good. I just spritz it on and let it soak in, it does say you should rub it in, but I find my skin laps it up pretty quickly, plus I'm not a fan of oily hands!
And finally, onto my face! It has been going mental recently and I don't know why. My whole body has been going a bit crazy, and it's probably not something you would all like to know, but I was a week early, and I know that I was because it's the full moon this week, and it is usually on the 3rd or 4th of the month. That's all you need to know, before you all start thinking "Oh my lord, Fai has gone mental and thinks everyone wants to know about her cycle", I can assure you, I don't want everyone to know, not everyone in the world reads this blog ;), anyhow, I stopped using my Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish (review here) because I felt it was really drying my skin out, but the past couple of days I've been feeling a bit oily, which is just weird, I've never had oily skin and I'm not sure why this has happened. It has been warm in the UK and I did accidently catch the sun on my face, so I'm not sure if this would have made a difference, but something's gone awry so I just decided to put on a fairly generous amount of the Cleanse and Polish and let it sit for a while before I washed it off. I'm not sure what good this is going to do, but I thought it may rebalance some of whatever is going on! We shall see!
Sorry for such a long winded post, but I have been gone for what seems like forever so I feel that it shouldn't matter, and if it does matter let me know! All you have to do is write a wee comment down below and I shall see it!
Thanks for reading lovelies, I hope to be back soon!
Fai x
*Disclaimer: All opinions are 100% my own, I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned, nor have I been given any products or been asked to review them!
Okay, so now that odd introduction has passed and we have all taken a moment to ask what the hell is wrong with me, I shall begin.
It's currently 11:05pm and I am sitting in my living room in my pyjamas with a face mask on, (read that loosely, I'm essentially letting my Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish sit on my skin for a bit longer, I shall talk about that soon), after just getting out of a bubble bath, as that is what one does on a Tuesday evening, when there is nothing on the T.V because it's a bank holiday, and you have exhausted all of your resources on YouTube.
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Picture from weheartit.com! Not mine. This is what I imagined my bathroom to look like |
I'm home alone and wanted something to do, after drinking a bottle of Koppaberg which didn't sit very well with me, I'm still feeling the effects now, I decided I would run a bath and put some bubbles in. I was going to just use some sort of shower gel to improvise as bubble bath isn't something I tend to purchase, a bath is for washing, when you're too lazy to stand up in the shower, I was happy to stumble upon a tiny bottle of CHAMPNEYS Oriental Opulence Bubble Heaven, and I tell you, that description is spot on, it smells exactly how you would expect heaven to smell! The one that I used was Ylang Ylang and Patchouli, I swear to you there are no words to describe it, it's quite sweet and has a slight vanilla scent to it, but there's also a sort of citrus kick to it. I am fully aware that this is describing a scent with two completely different ingredients, but I am not a perfumer so obviously I'm not accurate, it isn't often I come across ylang ylang in my daily life. Anyway, as good as it smells it was a bugger to get out of the bottle, I'll give it it's dues, the plastic bottle is a sturdy little thing, but it makes it incredibly difficult to get the product out as you can't squeeze it, also the consistency of the bubble bath itself is quite gloopy and doesn't pour very well, so after a good 5 minutes standing over the bath of running water I gave up and let whatever product came out do its job. I must admit the bubbles were splendid, however I have come to the conclusion that I cannot stand the rustling noise the bubbles make when you lie in them, it's quite aggravating really, but this is not to say that the product is bad, I just don't want to hear a consistent popping in my little ears. I wouldn't say the bubbles do anything to your skin, I don't feel any more moisturised than normal, but nor do I feel any worse for it. It's just a nice little indulgence isn't it?
To go along with the bubbles I also took in my two favourite candles, the first being Yankee Candle's Cherry On Snow which only comes out at Christmas but the other cherry scented Yankee Candles are pretty much identical, and the second being Jelly Belly's Toasted Marshmallow. Now, don't laugh at me, I know it isn't the height of sophistication, but it smells so nice and it isn't over powering and sickly like the Yankee Candle Vanilla Cupcake but it smells quite similar, it also isn't as pricey!
I know I said that this bath was to just relax in, after a while the popping bubbles got so irritating that I decided I would give myself a scrub, that sounds vile, I'm not that dirty, I just meant, using a body scrub, I bought two body scrubs a few weeks ago from Wilkos, I believe they were 2 for £1.50 and I was in need of some nice smelling body washes so I thought I'd do it. I'm not a snob when it comes to body washes, there's no need to spend a thousand pound a year just to waste it on bits of your body not many people see, if it smells nice then I'm going to use it. Today I opted for my Vanilla and Honey Smoothie because I was in that sort of sweet scent mood. Honestly, these smoothie/scrub things are brilliant. I don't know exactly what the scrubby bits are made of but it feels a bit sandy and a bit oaty if that makes any sense, but it also lathers up really nicely like a normal shower gel! It feels great and it hasn't disturbed my skin at all, although not many things do, the skin on my body is pretty good, it's just my face that's a bit touchy!
After doing all the lady things that one does in the bath which doesn't need to be explained, (again, that sounds really rude! It wasn't..I just meant, shaving things, but who wants to know about that, if anyone's interested I use a man's gillette razor and gillette shaving foam), I got out of the bath, dried myself down and sprayed my moisturiser on, I'm really disappointed that I can't find it on the Boots website, but it's from The Sanctuary Spa range at Boots, I'm not sure if they still sell it as I've had mine for a while, it's essentially an oil spray moisturiser and smells really good. I just spritz it on and let it soak in, it does say you should rub it in, but I find my skin laps it up pretty quickly, plus I'm not a fan of oily hands!
And finally, onto my face! It has been going mental recently and I don't know why. My whole body has been going a bit crazy, and it's probably not something you would all like to know, but I was a week early, and I know that I was because it's the full moon this week, and it is usually on the 3rd or 4th of the month. That's all you need to know, before you all start thinking "Oh my lord, Fai has gone mental and thinks everyone wants to know about her cycle", I can assure you, I don't want everyone to know, not everyone in the world reads this blog ;), anyhow, I stopped using my Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish (review here) because I felt it was really drying my skin out, but the past couple of days I've been feeling a bit oily, which is just weird, I've never had oily skin and I'm not sure why this has happened. It has been warm in the UK and I did accidently catch the sun on my face, so I'm not sure if this would have made a difference, but something's gone awry so I just decided to put on a fairly generous amount of the Cleanse and Polish and let it sit for a while before I washed it off. I'm not sure what good this is going to do, but I thought it may rebalance some of whatever is going on! We shall see!
Sorry for such a long winded post, but I have been gone for what seems like forever so I feel that it shouldn't matter, and if it does matter let me know! All you have to do is write a wee comment down below and I shall see it!
Thanks for reading lovelies, I hope to be back soon!
Fai x
*Disclaimer: All opinions are 100% my own, I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned, nor have I been given any products or been asked to review them!
Friday, 27 April 2012
Barry M Lip Paint Pale Nude | Review and Swatches
Apologies that it looks squished and bent! I've used it every day |
I have found a new lipstick love!
On the same day that I bought Rimmel’s new Wake Me Up Foundation (you can see
my review here) I also bought Barry M’s new Lip Paint in shade 154 Pale Nude.
It was 3 for 2 in boots, I had to buy a new mascara and foundation, so it would
have been silly not to pick something else up too! I mean, come on, it was
free! I was just browsing through the Barry M stand; it’s a brand I tend to
neglect now-a-days. When I was younger I used to buy a lot of their products,
but I feel it seems to have a bit of a teen connotation with it, which isn’t
necessarily a bad thing, they make great products for reasonable prices, but as
I’ve got older the need for bright green eye shadow and bright pink mascara has
declined somewhat (Yes, I did own a bright pink mascara from Barry M..I hang my
head in shame). However, I was looking at some of their new nail varnishes, and
next to them, were their new lip paints, in 155 (Pretty Pink) and 154 (Pale
Nude). I was instantly drawn to the Pale Nude lip paint, a light peachy orange
shade, which is not dissimilar to their new Nail Paint in Peach Melba. For some
reason I have been having a bit of an orange phase at the moment. I swatched it
on my hand and thought to myself “Yes, this is something I definitely need in
my life” and went ahead and got it.
As it was 3
for 2, I did technically get this for free, so whilst I was very much excited
to use this lipstick, something in the back of my mind was telling me that it
was a really bad idea, that it would make me look washed out and gross.
However, my subconscious was proved totally wrong! I absolutely love this on my
lips. I always apply foundation over my lips before I put on a lipstick because
my lips are so pigmented and it just makes the colours really bright and a bit
weird. I was totally sold on this as soon as I put it on, and I have been
wearing it every day since. I have never worn a lipstick every day, and usually
just stick to my good old faithful Blistex relief cream, because it’s easy to
apply and feels amazing, but I find myself reaching for this lipstick each
morning, and even re-applying through out the day.
What I have
found with this lipstick though, and what I have found with a few of the Barry
M Lip Paints, is that although it doesn’t dry out your lips, or makes them feel
uncomfortable, if you apply this without using some sort of moisturising
product underneath, it will cling to any cracks or dry skin that you have. So
definitely, a quick use of a lip scrub, then apply a balm and let that sink in
before putting this on, and it will apply beautifully and smoothly!
I must
admit though, when I checked the Barry M website to see what the actual name of
the Lip Paint was, I was very surprised to see that it was called Pale Nude.
The name and the picture on their website is very deceiving, because the colour
is definitely more orange. Which I don’t have a problem with at all, but if you
are looking for a true nude, this may not be for you.
Thanks for
Fai x
*Disclaimer: As always all opinions are 100% my own, and I am no way affiliated with any of the companies mentioned. All products mentioned were purchased by me.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Rimmel Wake Me Up | Review
So I’m sure you have all been
hearing about, and reading the hype that has surrounded the new Rimmel Wake Me
Up foundation. With its claims of anti-fatigue ingredients it’s certainly been
a talking point for those of us who stay up all night, for whatever reason we
may have!
I’ve never really been one who
will try a product based on what the adverts claim, and this still remains
true, however, when I popped into a small Boots store a few weeks ago to find
that they didn’t stock Revlon I thought I would give Rimmel a try. This
decision didn’t come easy though, as I stood at the Rimmel stand for a good 20
minutes deliberating whether or not I should purchase, I have to say the colour
range is absolutely atrocious! Now, I am practically albino pale, this is probably
not news to some of you, and with the lightest shade “True Ivory” edging more
on TOWIE stars’ fake tans I was absolutely terrified of buying it. In the end I
jumped in and decided to just go for it. With a price tag of just £8.99,
compared to Revlon’s ever increasing price of their Colour Stay, I felt that
even if I hated it, I wouldn’t have spent a fortune, plus I have a lovely
bottle of Illamasqua Rich Liquid Foundation in 100 which has done a gorgeous
job of making the colour the right shade of pale!
So when I got home to test it out
I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the product. It does have an odd
smell to it, nothing unpleasant, but if you are sensitive to scents in face
products this may not be for you. I was really happy with the coverage it gave
me, although that may also have been aided by my Illamasqua RF 100. The texture
is also beautiful, it has a semi matte feel when you apply it (I will talk
about this later), but it most certainly doesn’t dry out your skin. As someone
who suffers from very dry skin I was a bit worried that it may cling to
patches, but it definitely hasn’t done. It gives a gorgeous even finish, and
I’ve also found that once I’ve mixed the right colour with my RF100 I can also
get away with only using the foundation where I suffer with the most acne!
I apply a sizable amount of RF100 and mix with 1 and a half pumps of Rimmel Wake Me Up, and apply with my Louise Young LY34 foundation brush
Left: RF100 Right: Rimmel Wake Me Up True Ivory |
Mixed! |
On the down side, this product is
excessively shiny. I have dry skin, and never really have a problem with
wearing a foundation that has a bit of shine to it, in fact I quite enjoy that
dewy finish, however, I find this a bit over the top. It can make me look
really oily, which is a really peculiar problem, considering the texture when
you apply it feels matte. I’m not sure whether it is because it’s an oily
foundation, or whether it is because of the really subtle shimmer that is in
the product. I am inclined to think it is more the latter, because no matter
how much powder I put on top, I still look shiny. And I hate using a setting
powder on my skin, because it’s so dry and just makes me look cakey. Not a good
look, it just sinks into my skin and looks gross. Adding to this shiny problem,
the foundation transfers like crazy, I rarely set my day to day foundation with
a powder, I usually only ever do that for a special occasion when I know I
won’t be able to touch up all day, but I have never had this much of a problem
with transferring. The odd bit here and there with other foundations I’ve used
maybe, but Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation literally comes off on your hands with
the slightest touch.
All in all though, I do feel that
the pros outweigh the cons with this product. There are definitely ways of
getting around the awful colour range, and with the longevity of the product a downside,
I just won’t wear it on a night out. There are other products that are better
for that. With a price of £8.99 you can’t complain too much, it’s one of the
cheaper drug store foundations, and it does give you gorgeous results.
Thanks for reading lovelies!
Fai x
*Disclaimer - As always, all opinions are 100% my own. I purchased all products mentioned with my own money. I am in no way affiliated with any company mentioned.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Tears, Laughter and Alcohol Proof Makeup!
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At 9:30am, just finished makeup |
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1:30pm at the church |
Fai x
Barry M,
bm beauty,
kitley house,
laura mercier,
Matthew Williamson,
tear proof makeup,
Thomas Sabo,
wembury church
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Valentine's Day Goodies!
As the day that terrifies men, excites women and depresses
us singletons fast approaches I thought it only necessary to at least mention
it. As soon as the Christmas season is over, card shops inflate the heart
balloons and everyone goes blind from all the pink and red. As much as I hate
the Valentine’s season I have been having a good old nose around at everything
the shops have to offer and have stumbled a few bits and pieces that I might
just go out and buy for myself.
As always, Lush has created some beauties for V’day, and my
top pick from their collection has to be the P.S I Love You gift box! It’s packaged
in a gorgeous little box adorned with roses and swallows and tied up with a
piece of string. Inside is a mixture of the well loved products such as “Raining
Men” shower gel and my all time favourite product from Lush – “Soft Coeur”
which is a honey and chocolate massage bar. Another little goody inside is the “Silky
Underwear” dusting powder, a light powder that you can use all over your body
that smells of jasmine! I’ve never heard of this product before but it sounds
intriguing! Not quite talc and maybe a little more sensual!? And last but not
the “Sweetheart” soap to finish of the quad! I think this is such a great
little gift set, even if you’re single to buy yourself and relax. I think this
is such a great deal at £16.95 that if you feel you need that little extra
indulgence you won’t feel guilty about your bank balance. You can find out more
about the P.S I Love You gift box on the Lush website.
Another great little indulgence that won’t make your bank
manager call you up is the Whittard of Chelsea Strawberry White Hot Chocolate! It
definitely hits up the pink quota for the season and will also last you much
longer! It’s £5.50 for 375g. Especially on these horribly cold nights we’ve
been having. Settling down in your fluffy dressing gown with a mug of this on a
cold evening, with a mug of strawberry white hot chocolate, who needs a man to
cuddle up to? You can find the Strawberry White Hot Chocolate here, and there are more Valentines gifts there too, and selected
items are 20% off with the voucher code “LOVE14”
I guess we shouldn’t leave out those who are loved up,
although I do like to forget you couples exist around this time (I’m joking of
course, I’m just clearly bitter about it all) Marks and Spencer have got some brilliant
Valentine’s cards on offer. In the day of emails and texts they’ve really
considered that not many people like to send cards, and when they do the recipient
often just discards them. So Marks and Spencer have got some great little
designs that have got keepsakes that you can detach! My favourite being this
little one (link) with removable pegs that you can keep to remind you of one another.
It brings tears to your eyes and warmth to your heart doesn’t it?
Whatever you end up doing this 14th of February I
hope it’s a very happy and healthy one!
Love to you all!
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Thanks for reading lovelies!
Fai x
*Disclaimer I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned, nor have I been asked to mention them. All opinions are 100% my own!
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