Saturday, 3 August 2013

The problem with women...

I am fully aware that I haven't written a blog post for a very long time, and with a title like this I'm expecting a backlash; in fact I welcome it.

I woke up to see the abuse that Benjamin Cook of Becoming YouTube was getting from self confessed "feminists" about a comment that he made on his BY panel at VidCon. I'm not 100% sure what this comment was, but supposedly it was slagging off beauty gurus and saying that they didn't have a place in the community. Which is bullshit, bullshit in the sense that that is definitely not what he meant or has ever said. In fact he has said in the past that they a have a place, but not in the context of his BY series. The arguments that ensued when he posted his "Girls on YouTube"  video were insane. Stupid, 13 year old girls that claim to be feminists because they watch Lex and Rosiana. It's bollocks. It's all bollocks..

Now, I have no problem with equality; obviously, I would be a fucking idiot to disagree with men and women having the same rights. I know what the suffragettes did for women in my country, I don't need to be told by 12 year olds that I don't know what the word "feminist" means: I knew what the word meant long before you were even a fertilised egg in your mothers womb my lovelies. What I do have a problem with is women: women in general that will shout sexual abuse if a man so much as glances in her direction, but in the same breath will go on about how hot Channing Tatum was when he took his shirt off in 'Magic Mike'.

I have a problem with the women who will put on a short dress, do their makeup because they want to look good, but as soon as a man approaches them because they also appreciate their beauty they'll call him a sexist.

I have a problem with the women who say that being a pole dancer is degrading to the female sex, yet they'll go on a hen night and not bat an eyelash when a man windmills his penis in their face. In fact they'll practically faint with excitement.

If I want to make porn, or pole dance my way to the top of the system, then who the hell are you to tell me that that's degrading? It's my decision, and isn't being a feminist supposed to be all about celebrating the rights and expressions of women? 

By shouting from the roof tops and burning bras in the name of women's rights you're giving equality less of a chance. By treating all men as sexist pigs you're making yourselves look like idiots.

I don't want to be told that when I'm in a club, or at a pub, or on the street that if and when a man looks in my direction, or tries to talk to me that I'm being a bad example to women that have fought for our equality for hundreds of years; I'm happy for men to look at me and like what they see. I'm not saying I dress for men, but I make an effort when I go out and am happy with my appearance, then why the hell should I be offended by anyone else also appreciating it? That doesn't make the man a sexist, as much as it doesn't make me a whore.

Like I said at the start, I'm all for equality, but how about we start looking at the things that actually matter? The fact that actually, we're all just people. Human beings on this round little ball of mud and water. Whether that be male or female, black or white, gay or straight. It should never come down to "Women are better; men are pigs": we are people that all strive for better things, but I don't want to be told that I'm less of a woman because I don't agree with the feminist way of looking at life. I am a woman, who just so happens to also be a human. Did we somehow forget that along the way?

1 comment:

  1. "I have a problem with the women who say that being a pole dancer is degrading to the female sex, yet they'll go on a hen night and not bat an eyelash when a man windmills his penis in their face. In fact they'll practically faint with excitement.

    Best. Sentence I've probably ever read in the English language.

    Lovely rant, you should do it more. x
